Feel the pleasant moment of deep calm with one of my massage treatments!
Various massage techniques counteract tension and activate the body's own healing and regeneration.
Head full & feet heavy?
During this mindful massage with arnica oil
(known for relieving tired and sore muscles)
and mint oil (ingredient menthol has a cooling, antispasmodic and blood circulation-enhancing effect)
heaven (head) and earth (feet) are brought together.
Head, neck and shoulder with a calf and foot massage
The head and shoulders are relieved as well as the feet and calfes relaxed.
"Like on clouds ..."
a little break, just for you
Head full & feet heavy?
"Like on clouds ..."
Feel the pleasant moment of deep calm with one of my massage treatments!
Various massage techniques counteract tension and activate the body's own healing and regeneration.
of this by email one day before the date in question.
I look forward to your appointment.
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one day before the date in question.
I look forward to your appointment.
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A gift that always fits every occasion, for birthdays Holidays or as a gift for your friends.